A downloadable experience for Windows

Read quotes by aid workers on the ground, displaced Palestinians, international political observers and human rights organizations while exploring the symbolic graves of the known victims of Gaza.


[WASD] + Mouse: Movement
[Left mouse Button]: Skip Quote
[L]: Change language (needs restart)
[ESC]: Quit menu

Please support the Palestinian struggle
PCRF - Provide Urgent Humanitarian Care for Gaza's Children
UNRWA - Empower humanitarian aid in the occupied territories
BDS - Pressure Israel to comply with international law
B'Tselem - Help spread information about the atrocities

Also, please spread this experience!

Thank you.

If you have quotes you think should be added to the experience, please post them together with their sources in the discussion. You can download the latest "quotes2.json" and help by finding and posting the latest quotes. Also, support the project by reporting any general feedback, mistakes you found and any bugs or crashes. 🙏🏻


The West Cannot Hide 1.1.14 Win.zip 100 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run TheWestCannotHide.exe